Os participantes da lista EH.net (uma rede de informações da área de história econômica) receberam o seguinte e-mail de Kevin O'Rourke (autor de famosos papers com Jeff Williamson e Alan Taylor):
Apenas pelo local reservado, temos bons motivos para tentar participar deste evento.
The 9th Congress of the European Historical Economics Society will be held in Dublin on September 2-3, 2011. I have booked the Guinness Storehouse, which is a fabulous venue, even though there is the risk that I will later be accused of not being able to organise a piss-up in a brewery. I am looking forward to welcoming old and new friends to Dublin. More details will follow as soon as possible.
Apenas pelo local reservado, temos bons motivos para tentar participar deste evento.